Publications & Conferences
Publications 2023
1. Vahid Ganjalizadeh, Aaron R. Hawkins, and Holger Schmidt, “Adaptive time modulation technique for multiplexed on-chip particle detection across scales”, in press Optica.
2. Vahid Ganjalizadeh, Gopikrishnan G. Meena, Matthew A. Stott, Aaron R. Hawkins, and Holger Schmidt, “Machine learning at the edge for AI-enabled multiplexed pathogen detection
3. Parker Allred, Eric Christie, Yixin Song, Daniel E. Austin, Shiuh-hua Wood Chiang, and Aaron R. Hawkins, “Flow-Through Charge Detection Mass Spectrometry to Categorize Micron-Sized Particles
4. Matthew Hamblin, Joel Wright, Holger Schmidt, and Aaron R. Hawkins, “Comparison of Illumination Methods for Flow-Through Optofluidic Biosensors
Conferences 2023
1. Md Nafiz Amin, Vahid Ganjalizadeh, Tyler Adams, Noah Boehme, Julie Wiltbank, Zoe Weber, Matthew DeMartino, Kevin Bundy, Aaron Hawkins, Holger Schmidt, “On-Chip Imaging Spectrometer Using Multi-Mode Interference Waveguides,” CLEO/QELS, San Jose, CA, May 7-12, (2023).
2022 Publications
1. Zachary J. Walker, Tanner Wells, Ethan Belliston, Seth B. Walker, Carson Zeller, Mohammad Julker Neyen Sampad, S. M. Saiduzzaman, Holger Schmidt, and Aaron R. Hawkins, “Optofluidic Particle Manipulation: Optical Trapping in a Thin-Membrane Microchannel
2. Zachary J. Walker, Tanner Wells, Ethan Belliston, Sage Romney, Seth B. Walker, Mohammad Julker Neyen Sampad, SM Saiduzzaman, Ravipa Losakul, Holger Schmidt, and Aaron R. Hawkins, “Optofluidic Particle Manipulation Platform with Nanomembrane
3. Yixin Song, Shea Smith, Benjamin Karlinsey, Aaron R. Hawkins, and Shiuh-hua Wood Chiang, "The Digital Charge Amplifier: A Digital-Based Approach to Charge Amplification
4. V. Ganjalizadeh, G.G. Meena, T.A. Wall, M.A. Stott, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, “Fast custom wavelet analysis technique for single molecule detection and identification
5. Mohammad J. N. Sampad, Md Nafiz Amin, Aaron R. Hawkins and Holger Schmidt, "FPGA Integrated Optofluidic Biosensor for Real-Time Single Biomarker Analysis
2022 Conferences
1. Parker Allred, Juhang Kim, Yixin Song, Shiuh-Hua Wood Chiang, and Aaron R. Hawkins, “Charge Detection Mass Spectrometry of Micron-Sized Particles Using a Differential Amplifier,” Intermountain Engineering, Technology and Computing (IETC), Orem, UT, May 14-15, (2022).
2. McKay Formica, Noah Boehme, Tyler Adams, Gracie Richens, and Aaron R. Hawkins, “Laser Assisted Cleaving for Waveguide Facets on Silicon,” Intermountain Engineering, Technology and Computing (IETC), Orem, UT, May 14-15, (2022).
3. Hollis Belnap, Samuel Lahti, Aaron Hawkins, “Particle Concentration Using Electroactuated Nanopumps,” Intermountain Engineering, Technology and Computing (IETC), Orem, UT, May 14-15, (2022).
2021 Publications
1. Mohammad Julker Neyen Sampad, Han Zhang, Thomas D. Yuzvinsky, M.A. Stott, Aaron R. Hawkins, and Holger Schmidt, “Label-free, trapping-assisted detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNAs with an optofluidic nanopore sensor
2. Samuel Avila, H. Dennis Tolley, Brian D. Iverson, Aaron R. Hawkins, Nathan L. Porter, Shawn L. Johnson, Edgar D. Lee and Milton L. Lee, “Comparison of Static Thermal Gradient to Isothermal Conditions in Gas Chromatography Using a Stochastic Transport Model
3. Jace Rozsa, Yixin Song, Austin Kerr, Naomi Debaene, Daniel Austin, Shiuh-hua Wood Chiang, and Aaron Hawkins, “Optimizing the Noise Performance of Multi-Electrode Image Charge Detectors Constructed on Printed Circuit Boards
4. Mahmudur Rahman, Mohammad Julker Neyen Sampad, Aaron Hawkins and Holger Schmidt, “Recent advances in integrated nanopore sensors
5. Joel Greig Wright, Md Nafiz Amin, Holger Schmidt, Aaron R, Hawkins, “Performance Comparison of Flow-Through Optofluidic Biosensor Designs
6. Alexandra M. Stambaugh, Joshua W. Parks, Matthew A. Stott, Aaron R. Hawkins, and Holger Schmidt, “Optofluidic multiplex detection of single SARS-CoV-2 and Influenza A antigens using a novel bright fluorescent probe assay
7. Joel G. Wright Jr., Md Nafiz Amin, Gopikrishnan G. Meena, Holger Schmidt, and Aaron R. Hawkins "Optofluidic Flow-Through Biosensor Sensitivity – Model and Experiment
8. G.G. Meena, A.M. Stambaugh, V. Ganjalizadeh, M.A. Stott, M.D. Stone, A.R. Hawkins and H. Schmidt, “Ultrasensitive detection of SARS-COV-2 RNA and Antigen Using Single-Molecule Optofluidic
9. Md Nafiz Amin, Vahid Ganjalizadeh, Matt Hamblin, Aaron R. Hawkins, and Holger Schmidt, “Free-Space Excitation of Optofluidic Devices for Pattern-Based Single Particle Detection
10. G.G. Meena, J. Wright, A.R. Hawkins, H. Schmidt, “Greatly enhanced single particle fluorescence detection using high refractive index liquid-core waveguides
11. H. Dennis Tolley, Samuel Avila, Brian Iverson, Austin Foster, Aaron Hawkins, Samuel Tolley, Milton Lee, “Simulating Capillary Gas Chromatographic Separations Including Thermal Gradient Conditions
2021 Conferences
1. M. Sampad, H. Zhang, M.A. Stott, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, “Trapping-assisted nanopore sensing of molecular biomarkers
2. Joel Wright, Gopikrishnan Gopalakrishnan Meena, Holger Schmidt, Aaron Hawkins, “Design and Testing of High-Index Liquid-Core Waveguides for Single Particle Sensing
3. Mohammad Julker Neyen Sampad, Md Nafiz Amin, Gopikrishnan Gopalakrishnan Meena, Aaron Hawkins, Holger Schmidt, “Real-Time Bio Particle Flow Analysis Platform Based on FPGA Integrated Optofluidic ARROW Devices,” CLEO/QELS, Virtual Conference, May 9-14, 2021.
2020 Publications
1. Erik S. Hamilton, Vahid Ganjalizadeh, Joel Wright, Holger Schmidt, and Aaron R. Hawkins, “3D Hydrodynamic Focusing in Microscale Optofluidic Channels Formed with a Single Sacrificial Layer
2. Erik S. Hamilton and Aaron R. Hawkins, “Direct macro-to-micro interface method for microfluidics
3. Jace Rozsa, Yixin Song, Devon Webb, Naomi Debaene, Austin Kerr, Elaura L. Gustafson, Tabitha Caldwell, Halle V. Murray, Daniel E. Austin, Shiuh-hua Wood Chiang, and Aaron R. Hawkins, "Simulation and Measurement of Image Charge Detection with Printed-Circuit-Board Detector and Differential Amplifier
4. John M. Stout, Thomas Baumgarten, Grant Stagg, and Aaron R. Hawkins, “Nanofluidic Peristaltic Pumps Made from Silica Thin Films
5. “3D Hydrodynamic Focusing in Microscale Channels Formed with Two Photoresist Layers,”
6. "High-Gain Differential Solid-State Charge Detector with Active Reset,” Yixin Song, Jace Rozsa, Joan Magalhaes, Shea Smith, Benjamin Karlinsey, Whitney Kinnison, Daniel Austin, Aaron R. Hawkins, and Shiuh-hua Wood Chiang, Review of Scientific Instruments (2020).
7. “Optical trapping assisted detection rate enhancement of single molecules on a nanopore optofluidic chip,”
8. “On demand delivery and analysis of single molecules on a programmable nanopore-optofluidic device,”
9. G.G. Meena, T.A.Wall, M.A.Stott, O. Brown, R. Robison, A.R. Hawkins and H. Schmidt, “7X multiplexed, optofluidic detection of nucleic acids for antibiotic-resistance bacterial screening,” Optics Express 28, 33019-33027, (2020).
10. Joel Wright, Holger Schmidt, and Aaron Hawkins, “Effects of Post-Etching Microstructures on the Optical Transmittance of Silica Ridge Waveguides,” Journal of Lightwave Technology 38, 6137-6421, (2020).
11. G.G. Meena, R.L. Hanson, R.L. Wood, O.T. Brown, M.A. Stott, R.A. Robison, W.G. Pitt, A.T. Woolley, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, “3X multiplexed detection of antibiotic resistant plasmids with single molecule sensitivity,” Lab on Chip 20, 3763-3771, (2020).
12. A. Stambaugh, M. A. Stott, G. G. Meena, M. Tamhankar, R. Carrion Jr., J. L. Patterson, A. R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, “Optofluidic Amplification-free Multiplex Detection of Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers,” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 27, 7200206, (2020).
13. Zach Walker, Tanner Wells, Kalliyan Lay, Mohammad Julker Neyen Sampad, Holger Schmidt, and Aaron R. Hawkins, “Solid-State Membranes Formed on Natural Menisci,” Nanotechnology 31, 445303, (2020).
2020 Conferences
1. Joel G. Wright, Holger Schmidt, and Aaron R. Hawkins, “Effects of Post-Etch Microstructure Residue on Optical Transmittance,” IEEE Photonics Conference, Virtual Conference, September 27 – October 1, (2020).
2. M.N. Amin, V. Ganjalizadeh, M. Hamblin, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, “Multiplexed single particle sensing in optofluidic sensors using free space excitation,” IEEE Photonics Conference, Virtual Conference, September 27 – October 1, (2020).
3. Yixin Song, Jace Rozsa, Joan Magalhaes, Shea Smith, Benjamin Karlinsey, Whitney Kinnison, Elaura Gustafson, Daniel E. Austin, Aaron R. Hawkins, and Shiuh-hua Wood Chiang, Noise Analysis and Optimization for A High-Gain Charge Amplifier,” 28th IFIP/IEEE International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration, Salt Lake City, UT, October 5-7, (2020).
4. Grant Stagg, Rachel Harris, Hollis Belnap, and Aaron R. Hawkins, “Nanoscale Electrostatic Membrane Actuation for Nanofluidic Pumping,” Intermountain Engineering, Technology and Computing (IETC), Orem, UT, October 2-3, (2020).
5. Jace Rozsa, Yixin Song, Devon Webb, Naomi Debaene, Austin Kerr, Elaura L. Gustafson, Tabitha Caldwell, Halle V. Murray, Daniel E. Austin, Shiuh-hua Wood Chaing, and Aaron R. Hawkins, “A Verified Simulation Method for Image Charge Detection with Non-cylindrical Electrodes,” Intermountain Engineering, Technology and Computing (IETC), Orem, UT, October 2-3, (2020).
6. James Green, Carlos Vilorio, Kalliyan Lay, Christine Lastra, and Aaron R. Hawkins, “Silicon Micro Gas Chromatography with Silkscreen Heater and Polyimide Capillary Insertion,” Intermountain Engineering, Technology and Computing (IETC), Orem, UT, October 2-3, (2020).
7. Yixin Song, Jace Rozsa, Joan Magalhaes, Shea Smith, Benjamin Karlinsey, Whitney Kinnison, Elaura Gustafson, Daniel E. Austin, Aaron R. Hawkins, and Shiuh-hua Wood Chiang, “Design of Common-Mode Feedback for High-Gain Charge Amplifier,” Intermountain Engineering, Technology and Computing (IETC), Orem, UT, October 2-3, (2020).
8. Devon Webb, Yixin Song, Jace Rozsa, Elaura Gustafson, Daniel E. Austin, Aaron R. Hawkins, and Shiuh-hua Wood Chiang, “Low-Noise, Low-Power Pulse Shaper for Particle Detection,” 63rd IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Virtual Conference, August 9-12, (2020).
2019 Publications
1. “Extended mass range detection with a microscale planar linear ion trap mass spectrometer,”
2. "A broadband anti-reflective light blocking layer using nano-particle suspension in photoresist with high
3. “A Microscale Planar Linear Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer,”
4. “Stainless-Steel Column for Robust High Temperature Microchip Gas Chromatography,”
5."Enhanced Detection of Single Viruses On-Chip via Hydrodynamic Focusing,"
7. “
9. “Optofluidic sample-to-answer chip for multi-target analysis of Zika virus infection,”
10. “Double Resonance Ejection Using Novel RF Phase Tracking Circuitry in a Miniaturized Planar Linear Ion
2019 Conferences
1. W.G. Pitt, R.L. Wood, R. L. Hanson, A. T. Woolley, G. G. Meena, H. Schmidt, and A. R. Hawkins, “Rapid and Specific Genotyping for Blood Infection Identification,” AlChE Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, November 10-15, (2019).
2. K. B. Bywaters, H. Schmidt, D. Deamer, A.R. Hawkins, Z. Panchal, R. C. Quinn, W. Vercoutere, and C. P. McKay, “Development of Solid-State Nanopore Life Detection Technology,” 236th Electrochemical Society Meeting, Atlanta, GA, October 13-17, (2019).
3. Erik S. Hamilton, Vahid Ganjalizadeh, Holger Schmidt, and Aaron R. Hawkins, “Three-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Focusing Designs for Integrated Optofluidics Detection Enhancement,” IEEE Photonics Conference, San Antonio, TX, September 29 – October 3, (2019).
4. G.G. Meena, O. Brown, R. Hanson, R. Wood, W.G. Pitt, A.T. Wooley, R. Robison, A.R. Hawkins and H. Schmidt, “Multiplexed detection of single antibiotic drug-resistant plasmids using multimode interference waveguide based optofluidic chip,” IEEE Photonics Conference, San Antonio, TX, September 29 – October 3, (2019).
5. M.N. Amin, M. Hamblin, G.G. Meena, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, “Free space excitation in optofluidic devices for single particle detection,” IEEE Photonics Conference, San Antonio, TX, September 29 – October 3, (2019).
6. Aadhar Jain, Gopikrishnan G. Meena, Alexandra Stambaugh, Jean Patterson, Aaron Hawkins, Holger Schmidt, “Optofluidic Platform with Integrated Optical Waveguides and Sample Preparation for Digitized Detection of Nucleic Acid Targets,” CLEO/QELS, San Jose, CA, May 5-10, (2019).
7. Vahid Ganjalizadeh, Gopikrishnan G. Meena, Matthew Stott, Holger Schmidt, Aaron Hawkins, “Single Particle Detection Enhancement with Wavelet based Signal Processing Technique,” CLEO/QELS, San Jose, CA, May 5-10, (2019)
8. Austin R. Foster, Samuel Avila, H. Dennis Tolley, Abhijit Ghosh, Carlos R. Vilorio, Jacob C. Johnson, Aaron R. Hawkins, Brian D. Iverson, Milton L. Lee, “Influence of Temporally and Spatially Varying Temperature Profile in Thermal Gradient Gas Chromatography,” Pittcon, Philadelphia, PA, March 17-21, (2019).
2018 Publications
1. “Buried Rib SiO2 Multimode Interference Waveguides for Optofluidic Multiplexing,”
2. “Fundamentals and Developments in Microchip Gas Chromatography Column Technology,”
3.“Dual Detection of Zika Virus Nucleic Acid and Protein Using a Multi-Mode Interference Waveguide
4. “Experimental Observation of the Effects of Translational and Rotational Electrode Misalignment on a
5. “Optimized ARROW-Based MMI Waveguides for High Fidelity Excitation Patterns for Optofluidic
6. “Anti-reflective light blocking layers using a liquid top matte coating,”
7. “Improved miniaturized linear ion trap mass spectrometer using lithographically patterned plates and
8. “Optimal Fabrication Methods for Miniature Coplanar Ion Traps,”
9. "Integration of sample preparation and analysis into an optofluidic chip for multi-target disease
2018 Conferences
1. A. Jain, G.G. Meena, J.W. Parks, A. Stambaugh, J.L. Patterson, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, “All-InOne Optofluidic Platform for Differential Diagnostics of Multiple Biomarkers with Single Molecule Sensitivity,” IEEE Photonics Conference, Reston, VA, October 1-4, (2018).
2. G.G. Meena, M.A. Stott, O. Brown, R. Robison, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, “Multimode Interference Waveguide-Based 7X Multiplexed Detection of Nucleic Acids for Antibiotic-Resistant
Bacterial Screening,” IEEE Photonics Conference, Reston, VA, October 1-4, (2018).
3. A. Ghosh, A.R. Foster, C.R. Vilorio, J.C. Johnson, X. Xie, L.M. Patil, L.T. Tolley, P.B. Farnsworth, H.D. Tolley, A.R. Hawkins, B.D. Iverson, M.L. Lee, “Portable Gas and Liquid Chromatographic
Techniques,” 19th Brazilian Meeting on Analytical Chemistry, Caldas Novas, Brazil, September 16-19, (2018).
4. Holger Schmidt and Aaron Hawkins, “Recent progress in waveguide-based on-chip particle trapping and manipulation,” SPIE Nanoscience + Engineering, San Diego, CA, August 19 – 23, (2018).
5. Stephen Schultz and Aaron Hawkins, “Intensive Mentoring and Micro-Electronics Research for Students in Engineering (IMMERSE),” ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Salt Lake City, UT, June 24-27, (2018).
6. Yuan Tian, Joshua S. McClellan, Trevor K. Decker, Qinghao Wu, Abraham L. De la Cruz Hernandez, Aaron R. Hawkins, Daniel E. Austin, “Experimental Observation of the Effects of Translational and Rotational Electrode Misalignment on a Planar Linear Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer,” ASMS Conference
on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics, San Diego, CA, June 3 – 7, (2018).
7. Erik Hamilton, Joel Wright, Matthew Stott, Jennifer Black, Holger Schmidt, and Aaron Hawkins, “3D Hydrodynamic Focusing for Optofluidics Using a Stacked Channel Design,” CLEO/QELS, San Jose, CA, May 14-17, (2018).
8. M.L. Lee, A. Ghosh, A.R. Foster, C.R. Vilorio, J.C. Johnson, X. Xie, L.M. Patil, L.T. Tolley, H.D. Tolley, A.R. Hawkins, “Novel Column Technologies for Portable Capillary Chromatography,” 42nd Intern. Symp. on Capillary Chromatography, Riva del Garda, Italy, May 14-18, (2018).
9. Matthew Stott, Erik Hamilton, Vahid Ganjalizadeh, Maclain Olsen, Marcos Orfila, Johnny McMurray, Holger Schmidt, and Aaron Hawkins, “High Fidelity MMI Excitation Patterns for Optofluidic Multiplexing,” CLEO/QELS, San Jose, CA, May 14-17, (2018).
10. Abhijit Ghosh, Austin R. Foster, Aaron R. Hawkins, Brian D. Iverson, Milton L. Lee, H. Dennis Tolley, Luke Tolley, Carlos R. Vilorio, “Effect of Thermal Control in Microchip Thermal Gradient Gas Chromatography,” Pittcon, Orlando, FL, February 26 – March 1, (2018).
2017 Publications
1. “Optofluidic Lab-on-a-Chip Fluorescence Sensor using Integrated Buried ARROW (bARROW) Waveguides,”
2. “Scalable Spatial-Spectral Multiplexing of Single-Virus Detection Using Multimode Interference
3. “Extending the Upper Temperature Range of Microchip Gas Chromatography Using a Heater/Clamp
4. “Mitigating water absorption in waveguides made from unannealed PECVD SiO2,”
5. “Temperature and Wall Coating Dependence of Alkali Vapor Transport Speed in Micron-Scale Capillaries,”
6. “Electrostatically Actuated Membranes Made from Silica Thin Films,”
7. “Optofluidic bioanalysis: Fundamentals and applications,”
8. “A miniaturized linear wire ion trap with electron ionization and single photon ionization sources,”
9. “Multiplexed Efficient On-Chip Sample Preparation and Sensitive Amplification-Free Detection of Ebola

2017 Conferences
1. “High Fidelity MMI-Based Multi-Spot Excitation for Optofluidic Multiplexing,” Matthew A. Stott, Vahid Ganjalizadeh, Holger Schmidt, and Aaron R. Hawkins, IEEE Photonics Conference, Orlando, FL, October 1-5, (2017).
2. “Optical trapping assisted enhancement of on-chip single molecule detection rate with a solid-state nanopore,” M. Rahman, M. Harrington, M.A. Stott, T.D. Yuzvinsky, Y. Li, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, IEEE Photonics Conference, Orlando, FL, October 1-5, (2017).
3. “Dual Detection of Zika Virus Nucleic Acid and Protein Using Multi-Mode Interference Waveguide Platform,” Joshua W. Parks, Alexandra Stambaugh, Matthew A. Stott, Aaron R. Hawkins, and Holger Schmidt, IEEE Photonics Conference, Orlando, FL, October 1-5, (2017).
4. “Preserving Optical Confinement in Unannealed PECVD SiO2 Waveguides,” Steven Hammon, Thomas Wall, Erik Hamilton, Marcos Orfila, Gabriel Zacheu, Holger Schmidt, and Aaron R. Hawkins, CLEO/QELS, San Jose, CA, May 14-19, (2017).
5. “Multimodal Multiplexing of Single-Virus Detection Using Multi-Mode Interference Waveguides,” Damla Ozcelik, Matthew A. Stott, Joshua W.Parks, Aadhar Jain, Aaron R. Hawkins, and Holger Schmidt, CLEO/QELS, San Jose, CA, May 14-19, (2017).
6. “Single Particle Fluorescence Analysis on Demand on Electro-Optofluidic Chip with Gated Particle Delivery,” M. Rahman, M. Harrington, M.A. Stott, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, CLEO/QELS, San Jose, CA, May 14-19, (2017).
7. “Development of Solid-State Nanopore Technology for Life Detection,” K. B. Bywaters, H. Schmidt, W. Vercoutere, D. Deamer, A.R. Hawkins, R. C. Quinn, A. S. Burton, and C. P. McKay, submitted to Astrobiology Science Conference 2017.
8. “Perforated hollow-core optical waveguides for chip-scale spectroscopy and quantum interference,” Trevor Decker, Holger Schmidt, and Aaron R. Hawkins, SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, Jan 28 – Feb 2 (2017).
2016 Publications
1. “On-chip Wavelength Multiplexed Detection of Cancer DNA Biomarkers in Blood,”
2. “Amplification-free direct detection of Ebola virus on hybrid optofluidic platform,”
3. “Optimization of Y-splitting antiresonant reflecting optical waveguides-based rib waveguides,”
4. “Intrinsic spin dynamics in optically excited nanoscale magnetic tunnel junction arrays restored by
5. “Single-virus analysis through chip-based optical detection,”
6. “Perforated hollow-core optical waveguides for on-chip atomic spectroscopy and gas sensing,”
7. “Improved environmental stability for plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition SiO2 waveguides using
8. “Signal-to-noise enhancement in optical detection of single viruses with multi-spot excitation,”
9. “Optofluidic devices with integrated solidstate nanopores,”
10. “Non-diffusive Rubidium Vapor Transport in Confined Glass Channels,”
11. "Enhancement of ARROW Photonic Device Performance via Thermal Annealing of PECVD-based SiO2
12. "Spectrally reconfigurable integrated multi-spot particle trap

2016 Conferences
1. “Tunable optofluidic interference devices for bioanalysis,” Holger Schmidt and Aaron R. Hawkins, IEEE Photonics Conference, 29th Annual Conference of the IEEE Photonics Society, Waikoloa, HI, October 2-6 (2016).
2. “MMI waveguide based multispectral detection of nucleic acids for analysis of drug-resistant bacteria,” G. Meena, Damla Ozcelik, Matthew Stott, Thomas Wall, Richard Robison, Aaron R. Hawkins and Holger Schmidt, 29th Annual Conference of the IEEE Photonics Society, Waikoloa, HI, October 2-6 (2016).
3. “Design and Characterization of Integrated 2D ABEL Trap,” M. Rahman, M.A. Stott, A.R. Hawkins and H. Schmidt, IEEE Photonics Conference, 29th Annual Conference of the IEEE Photonics Society, Waikoloa, HI, October 2-6 (2016).
4. “Optofluidic wavelength division multiplexing for single biomolecule sensing,” Damla Ozcelik, Joshua Parks, Hong Cai, Thomas Wall, Matthew Stott, Aaron Hawkins, and Holger Schmidt, OSA Advanced Photonics Congress, Vancouver, Canada, July 18-20 (2016).
5. “Perforated Hollow-Core Waveguide Devices for Atomic Spectroscopy with Alkali Vapor,” Matthieu Giraud-Carrier, Trevor K. Decker, Aaron Hawkins, Jennifer A. Black, and Holger Schmidt, CLEO/QELS, San Jose, CA, June 5 - 10, (2016).
6. “On-chip Wavelength Multiplexing Detection of Cancer DNA Biomarkers in Blood Serum,” Hong Cai, Matthew A. Stott. Damla Ozcelik, Aaron Hawkins, Holger Schmidt, CLEO/QELS, San Jose, CA, June 5 - 10, (2016).
7. “Spatially Multiplexed Bioparticle Detection Using Multi-mode Interference,” Damla Ozcelik, Matthew A. Stott, Hong Cai, Aaron Hawkins, Holger Schmidt, CLEO/QELS, San Jose, CA, June 5 - 10, (2016).
8. “Microchip Thermal Gradient Gas Chromatography,” Milton L. Lee, Abhijit Ghosh, Luke T. Tolley, Aaron R. Hawkins, Brian D. Iverson, H. Dennis Tolley, International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography, Riva del Garda, Italy, May 29 – June 3, (2016).
2015 Publications
1. "Multiplex Optofluidic wavelength division multiplexing for single-virus detection,
2. "Optofluidic analysis system for amplification-free, direct detection of Ebola infection
3. "Stress Relaxation Insensitive Designs for Metal Compliant Mechanism Threshold Accelerometers Metal
4. "Electro-optical detection of single lambda-DNA
5. "Integration of digital microfluidics and on-chip fluorescence detection for biosensing applications

2015 Conferences
1. "Particle Trapping in Electrostatically Actuated Nanofluidic Barriers", John M. Stout, Aaron R. Hawkins, Suresh Kumar, and Adam T. Woolley, IEEE 58th International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Ft. Collins, CO, August 2-5, (2015).
2. "Rubidium Diffusion in Microscale Spectroscopy and Slow Light Platforms", Matthieu Giraud-Carrier, Cameron Hill, Trevor Decker, Aaron R. Hawkins, Jennifer A. Black, and Holger Schmidt, IEEE 58th International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Ft. Collins, CO, August 2-5, (2015).
3. "Silicate Overcoat Layers for the Improvement of PECVD Optofluidic Waveguides", Matthew A. Stott, Thomas A. Wall, Erik Hamilton, Roger Chu, Aaron R. Hawkins, Damla Ozcelik, Joshua W. Parks, Gopikrishnan G. Meena, and Holger Schmidt, IEEE 58th International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Ft. Collins, CO, August 2-5, (2015).
4. "Materials and Microfabrication Processes for ARROW-based Optofluidic Biosensors", Thomas Wall, Joshua Parks, Holger Schmidt, and Aaron R. Hawkins, IEEE 58th International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Ft. Collins, CO, August 2-5, (2015).
5. "The Biological Oxidant and Life Detection (BOLD) mission: A proposal for a low-cost mission to Mars", Dirk Schulze-Makuch, Dale Andersen, Mike Daly, Alfonso F. Davila, David Deamer, James Dohm, Alberto G. Fairen, Wolfgang Fink, Roberto Furfaro, Aaron R. Hawkins, James N. Head, Joop M. Houtkooper, Louis N. Irwin, Michael Knoblauch, Darlene S.S. Lim, Abel Mendez, Holger Schmidt, S. Kelly Sears, Henry J. Sun, and Hojatollah Vali, 11th Low-Cost Planetary Missions Conference, Berlin, Germany, June 9-11, (2015).
6. "Spectrally Reconfigurable Multi-Spot Trap on Optofluidic ARROW Chip", Kaelyn D. Leake, Michael Olson, Damla Ozcelik, Aaron Hawkins, and Holger Schmidt, CLEO/QELS, San Jose, CA, May 11-15, (2015).
7. "Silicate Spin-on-Glass as an Overcoat Layer for SiO2 Ridge Waveguides", Matthew Stott, Thomas Wall, Damla Ozcelik, Josh Parks, Gopikrishnan G. Meena, Erik Hamilton, Roger Chu, Holger Schmidt, and Aaron Hawkins, CLEO/QELS, San Jose, CA, May 11-15, (2015).
8. "Improvement of Silicon Dioxide Ridge Waveguides Using Low Temperature Thermal Annealing", Josh Parks, Hong Cai, Thomas Wall, Matthew Stott, Roger Chu, Erik Hamilton, Aaron Hawkins, and Holger Schmidt, CLEO/QELS, San Jose, CA, May 11-15, (2015).
9. "Miniaturized Ion Traps", Daniel Austin, Ailin Li, Aaron Hawkins, Justin Sorensen, and Yuan Tian, Pittcon Conference and Expo, New Orleans, LA, March 8-12, (2015).
2014 Publications
1. "Axial thermal gradients in microchip gas chromatography
2." Correlated Electrical and Optical Analysis of Single Nanoparticles and Biomolecules on a Nanopore-
3. "Ion trap electric field measurements using slab coupled optical fiber sensors
4. "Miniaturization of a Planar-Electrode Linear Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer
5. "Cross-flow microfilters with large-diameter sacrificially-etched cross sections

2014 Conferences
1. "Optofluidic Waveguiding for Biomedical Sensing", Aaron R. Hawkins, Thomas A. Wall, Joshua W. Parks, and Holger Schmidt, Materials Research Meeting Fall Meeting and Exhibit, Boston, MA, Nov 30-Dec 5, (2014).
2. "Electro-Optical Detection of Single Nanoparticles on a Nanopore-Optofluidic Chip", Shuo Liu, Yue Zhao, Thomas A. Wall, Joshua W. Parks, Aaron R. Hawkins, and Holger Schmidt, Materials Research Meeting Fall Meeting and Exhibit, Boston, MA, Nov 30-Dec 5, (2014).
3. "Ionic Strength Effects on Protein Trapping in Thin-film Nanochannels", Suresh Kumar, John M. Stout, Aaron R. Hawkins, and Adam T. Woolley, 18th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS), San Antonio, TX, October 26-30, (2014).
4. "Sub-mm linear ion trap mass spectrometer made using ceramic plates", Ailin Li, Brett J. Hansen, Yuan Tian, Andrew T. Powell, Aaron R. Hawkins, Daniel E. Austin, D.E., 248th ACS National Meeting and Exposition, San Francisco, CA, August 10-14, (2014).
5. "Miniaturized Planar Electrode Linear Ion Trap (LIT) Mass Analyzer", Ailin Li, Brett J. Hansen, Andrew T. Powell, Yuan Tian, Aaron R. Hawkins, and Daniel E. Austin, 62nd Conference of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, Baltimore, MD, June 15-19, (2014).
6. "On-chip detection of clinical Ebola virus RNA using specific DNA binding technique", Hong Cai, Joshua W. Parks, Ricardo Carrion, Lynnell Zempoaltecatl, Jean P. Patterson, Aaron Hawkins, and Holger Schmidt, CLEO/QELS, San Jose, CA, June 8-13, (2014).
7. "On-chip Opto-electrical Discrimination of Single Biological Nanoparticles", Shuo Liu, Yue Zhao, Joshua W. Parks, Aaron Hawkins, and Holger Schmidt, CLEO/QELS, San Jose, CA, June 8-13, (2014).
8. "Automated Single Molecule Nucleic Acid Detection with a Waveguide Chip", Joshua W. Parks, Lynnell Zempoaltecatl, Richard A. Mathies, Aaron Hawkins, and Holger Schmidt, CLEO/QELS, San Jose, CA, June 8-13, (2014).
9. "Atom photonics on a chip", Aaron R. Hawkins and Holger Schmidt, META’14, the 5th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, Singapore, May 20-23, (2014).
10. "Ion trap electrical field measurements using slab coupled optical sensors", LeGrand J. Shumway, Spencer Chadderdon, Andrew Powell, Aaron R. Hawkins, Richard Selfridge, Stephen Schultz, Ailin Li, and Daniel E. Austin, SPIE conference on Smart Sensor Phenomena, Technology, Networks, and Systems Integration VII, San Diego, CA, March 9-13 (2014).
11. "Enhancing Separation Performance of Microfabricated Gas Chromatography Using Temperature Gradients", Anzi Wang, Aaron R. Hawkins, H. Dennis Tolley, and Milton L. Lee, Pittcon Conference and Expo, Chicago, IL, March 2-6, (2014).
12. "Thin-Film Microfabricated Nanofluidic Arrays for Size-Selective Protein Fractionation", Suresh Kumar, Jie Xuan, H. Dennis Tolley, Milton L. Lee, Aaron R. Hawkins, and Adam T. Woolley, Pittcon Conference and Expo, Chicago, IL, March 2-6, (2014).
13. "Recent progress in waveguide-based atom photonics", Jennifer A. Black, M. Girard Carrier, Aaron R. Hawkins, and Holger Schmidt, Photonics West, San Jose, CA, February 1-6, (2014).
14. "Thermal Gradient Gas Chromatography – A New Paradigm for Hyphenation", Milton L. Lee, Anzi Wang, Jesse A. Contreras, Samuel E. Tolley, Matthew C. Asplund, Aaron R. Hawkins, and H. Dennis Tolley, 13th Internat. Symp. on Hyphenated Techniques in Chromatography and Separation Technology, Bruges, Belgium, January 28-31, (2014).
2013 Publications
1."Optical particle sorting on an optofluidic chip
2. "Thin-Film Microfabricated Nanofluidic Arrays for Size-Selective Protein Fractionation
3. "Hybrid optofluidic integration
4. "Cross-flow microfilters with large-diameter sacrificially-etched cross sections
5. "All-optical particle trap using orthogonally intersecting beams
6. "Radio-frequency microfluidic interferometer in printed circuit board
7. " A Lithographically Patterned Discrete Planar Electrode Linear Ion Trap
8. "Versatile Rb vapor cells with long lifetimes

2013 Conferences
1. "Size-based protein fractionation in nanofluidic channel arrays", Adam T. Woolley, Suresh Kumar, Jie Xuan, Milton L. Lee, H. Dennis Tolley, and Aaron R. Hawkins, MicroTAS 2013, Freiburg, Germany, October 27-31, (2013).
2. " Hybrid optofluidic integration", Holger Schmidt, Joshua Parks, and Aaron Hawkins, SPIE Optics + Photonics, San Diego, California, August 25-29, (2013).
3. "Design and fabrication of silicon-based optofluidic waveguide platforms", Aaron R. Hawkins, Lynnell U. Zempoaltecatl, and Holger Schmidt, SPIE Optics + Photonics, San Diego, California, August 25-29, (2013).
4. "Hybrid Optofluidic Device for Fluidic Particle Manipulation and Detection", Joshua Parks, Jungkyu Kim, Lynnell U. Zempoaltecatl, Damla Ozcelik, Hong Cai, Rich Mathies, Aaron Hawkins, and Holger Schmidt, CLEO/QELS, San Jose, CA, June 9-14, (2013).
5. "High Longevity Rubidium Packaging Method Suitable for Integrated Optics", Matthieu Giraud-Carrier, John F. Hulbert, Thomas Wall, Aaron Hawkins, Holger Schmidt, and Jennifer A. Black, CLEO/QELS, San Jose, CA, June 9-14, (2013).
6. "High Sensitivity Fluorescence Detection with Multi-spot Excitation Using Y-splitters", Damla Ozcelik, Joshua W. Parks, Lynnell U. Zempoaltecatl, Kealyn Leake, Jennifer A. Black, Yaeji Lim, Holger Schmidt, and Aaron Hawkins, CLEO/QELS, San Jose, CA, June 9-14, (2013).
7. "Correlated Optical and Electrical Detection of Single Nanoparticles on a Nanopore-Optofluidic Chip", Shuo Liu, Yue Zhao, Aaron Hawkins, and Holger Schmidt, CLEO/QELS, San Jose, CA, June 9-14, (2013).
8. "Clinical Detection of Viral Infection on an Optofluidic Chip", Philip Measor, Lynnell U. Zempoaltecatl, Josh Parks, Samia Naccache, Steve Miller, Charles Chiu, Aaron Hawkins, and Holger Schmidt, CLEO/QELS, San Jose, CA, June 9-14, (2013).
9. "Size-selective protein fractionation in arrays of nanofluidic channels", Adam T. Woolley, Suresh Kumar, Jie Xuan, Aaron Hawkins, and Milton L. Lee, 37th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography, Palm Springs, CA, May 12-16, (2013).
10. "Size-Selective Trapping of Bioparticles Using Planar Nanofluidic Devices", Milton L. Lee, Jie Xuan, Mark Hamblin, John Stout, Suresh Kumar, Dennis Tolley, Daniel Maynes, Adam T. Woolley, and Aaron Hawkins, Pittcon Conference and Expo, Philadelphia, PA, March 17-21, (2013).
2012 Publications
1. "Tailoring the spectral response of liquid waveguide diagnostic platforms
2. "Dual-core optofluidic chip for independent particle detection and tunable spectral filtering
3. "The Biological Oxidant and Life Detection (BOLD) Mission: A Proposal for a Mission to Mars
4. "Optimization of Interface Transmission Between Integrated Solid Core and Optofluidic Waveguides

2012 Conferences
1. " An Ultrasensitive Optofluidic Nucleic Acid Biosensor", Philip Measor, Yue Zhao, Aaron Hawkins, and Holger Schmidt, CLEO/QELS, San Jose, CA, May 6, (2012).
2. " Independent Particle Detection and Tunable Spectral Filtering on Optofluidic Chip", Damla Ozcelik, Brian Phillips, Philip Measor, Aaron Hawkins, and Holger Schmidt, CLEO/QELS, San Jose, CA, May 6, (2012).
3. " Hollow-core Photonics for Optofluidics and Atom Photonics", Holger Schmidt and Aaron Hawkins, CLEO/QELS, San Jose, CA, May 6, (2012).
4. " Planar Thin-film Nanofluidic Devices for Sample Fractionation", Adam T. Woolley, Suresh Kumar, Jie Xuan, Milton L. Lee, H. Dennis Tolley, Daniel R. Maynes, Aaron R. Hawkins, Pittcon, Orlando, FL, March 11 - 15, (2012).
5. " Optofluidic Waveguide Development for High Sensitivity Bioparticle Detection", Aaron R. Hawkins and Holger Schmidt, Invited talk, SLAS 2012, San Diego, CA, February 4-8, (2012).
6. " Manipulation, trapping, and SERS detection of nanoparticle-coated microspheres in optofluidic waveguides", Kaelyn D. Leake, Shamik Mascharak, Philip Measor, Brian S. Phillips, Aaron R. Hawkins, and Holger Schmidt, Invited talk, Photonics West, San Jose, CA, January 21-26, (2012).
2011 Publications
1. "Photonic integration of non-solid media via optofluidics
2."Hollow Waveguides with Low Intrinsic Photoluminescence Fabricated with PECVD Silicon Nitride and
3. "Selective Thin Film Deposition for Optofluidic Platforms with Optimized Transmission
4. "Effects of surfactant addition and alternating current electrophoretic oscillation on size fractionation of
5. "Coaxial Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer: Concentric Toroidal and Quadrupolar Trapping Regions
6."Controlled gating and electrical detection of single 50S ribosomal subunits through a solid-state
7. "Capillary Flow in Sacrificially-etched Nanochannels
8. "Optical Characterization of Optofluidic Waveguides Using Scattered Light Imaging
9. "A versatile approach to Rb vapor cell construction
10. "Hollow Waveguides with Low Intrinsic Photoluminescence Fabricated with Ta2O5 and SiO2 Films
11."Detecting single nanomagnet dynamics beyond the diffraction limit in varying magnetostatic
12. "Dual-color fluorescence cross-correlated spectroscopy on a planar optofluidic chip
13. "Tailorable integrated optofluidic filters for biomolecular detection
14. "Performance of a Halo Ion Trap Mass Analyzer with Exit Slits for Axial Ejection
15. "Effects of Higher-order Multipoles on the Performance of a Quadrupole Ion Trap Mass Analyzer

2011 Conferences
1. " Chip-scale platform for quantum interference based slow light in atoms", Bin Wu, John F. Hulbert, Katie Hurd, Aaron R. Hawkins, and Holger Schmidt, Invited talk, OSA Advanced Photonics Congress - Slow and Fast Light Meeting, Toronto, Canada, June 12-16, (2011).
2. " Microfabricated Linear Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer", Daniel Austin, Brett Hansen, Hannah Quist, and Aaron Hawkins, Pittcon, Atlanta, GA, March 13 - 18, (2011).
3. " Sized-Based Optical Particle Sorting Using an Orthogonal Beam in Optofluidic Waveguides", Kaelyn D. Leake, Brian S. Phillips, Aaron R. Hawkins, and Holger Schmidt, CLEO/QELS, Baltimore, MD, May 1-6, (2011).
4. " All-optical particle trap using two orthogonally intersecting beams", Holger Schmidt and Aaron R. Hawkins, CLEO/QELS, Baltimore, MD, May 1-6, (2011).
5. " Optofluidic Waveguides with Ta2O5 Cladding Layers and Low Photoluminescence", Yue Zhao, Micah Jenkins, Kaelyn D. Leake, Shuo Liu, Philip Measor, Holger Schmidt, and Aaron R. Hawkins, CLEO/QELS, Baltimore, MD, May 1-6, (2011).
6. " Slow light and EIT in atomic spectroscopy chips", Bin Wu, John F. Hulbert, Katie Hurd, Aaron R. Hawkins, and Holger Schmidt, Invited talk, Photonics West, San Jose, CA, January 22-27, (2011).
7. "Liquid-core waveguide based optofluidics ", Philip Measor, Mikhail I. Rudenko, Aiqing Chen, Evan J. Lunt, Brian S. Philips, Aaron R. Hawkins, and Holger Schmidt, Invited talk, IEEE Winter Topicals, Keystone, CO, Jan 10-12,(2011).
2010 Publications
1. "Optimized Piranha Etching Process for SU8 Based MEMS and MOEMS Construction
2. "Slow light on a chip via atomic quantum state control
3. "Atomic Spectroscopy and Quantum Optics in Hollow-core Waveguides
4. "Hollow ARROW Waveguides on Self-Aligned Pedestals for Improved Geometry and Transmission
5. "Contactless conductivity detection of small ions in a surface micro-machined CE chip
6. "Optofluidic notch filter integration by lift-off of thin films
7. "Micropore and Nanopore Fabrication in Hollow ARROW Waveguides
8. "Design and Testing of a Thin-Flexure Bistable Mechanism Suitable for Stamping from Metal Sheets
9. "Ultralow power trapping and fluorescence detection of single particles on an optofluidic chip
10. "Selective trapping and concentration of nanoparticles and viruses in dual-height nanofluidic channels

2010 Conferences
1. "Liquid-core waveguide filter for optofluidic biosensing", Philip Measor, Brian S. Phillips, Aaron R. Hawkins, and Holger Schmidt, European Optical Society Annual Meeting 2010, Paris, France, October 26-29, (2010).
2. "Single-particle spectroscopy and manipulation in optofluidic devices", Philip Measor, Brian S. Philips, Evan J. Lunt, Aaron R. Hawkins and Holger Schmidt, Frontiers in Optics, Rochester, NY, October 24-28, (2010).
3. "Optimizing ARROW Transitions by Selective Deposition of Thin Films", Brian S. Phillips, Jared Keeley, Mikhail Rudenko, Kaelyn Leake, Philip Measor, Aiqing Chen, Shuo Liu, Evan Lunt, Holger Schmidt, and Aaron R.. Hawkins, Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon and Nano Photonics, Monterey, CA, July 25-28, (2010).
4. "Dual-Color Fluorescence Cross Correlation Spectroscopy on an Integrated Optofluidic Chip", Aiqing Chen, Mikhail I. Rudenko, Evan J. Lunt, Brian S. Phillips, Aaron Hawkins, Holger Schmidt, CLEO/QELS, San Jose, CA, May 16-21, (2010).
5. "Planar Electro-Optofluidic Chip: Integration of Nanopore with Optofluidics", Mikhail I. Rudenko, Matthew R. Holmes, Philip Measor, David W. Deamer, Aaron R. Hawkins, Holger Schmidt, CLEO/QELS, San Jose, CA, May 16-21, (2010).
6. "Improving Gain Efficiency in Planar Impact Ionization Devices", Michael S. Johnson, Roy C. Shuldberg, Aaron R. Hawkins, The 218th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Las Vegas, NV, October 10-15, (2010).
7. "Design and Performance of Coaxial Ion Trap: Transferring Ions between Two Trapping Regions in One Mass Analyzer", Ying Peng, Zhiping Zhang, Brett J. Hansen, Miao Wang, Milton L. Lee, Aaron R. Hawkins, and Daniel E. Austin, 58th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry, Salt Lake City, UT, May 23-27, (2010).
8. "A Linear-type Ion Trap Realized with Two Lithographically Patterned Substrates", Brett Hansen, Hannah Quist, Brandon Barney, Aaron Hawkins, and Daniel Austin, 58th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry, Salt Lake City, UT, May 23-27, (2010).
9. "Optimization of Multipole Components in a Planar Paul Trap", Zhiping Zhang, Ying Peng, Hannah Quist, Junting Wang, Brett J. Hansen, Aaron R. Hawkins, and Daniel E. Austin, 58th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry, Salt Lake City, UT, May 23-27, (2010).
10. "Quadruple Ion Traps Realized by Planar Microfabricated Electrodes for Compensation of High Order Multipole Effects", Brett J. Hansen, Hannah E. Quist, Aaron R Hawkins, Zhiping Zhang, Ying Peng, MiaoWang, Milton L. Lee, Daniel E. Austin, Pittcon, Orlando, FL, February 28-March 5, (2010).
11. "Coaxial Ion Trap:Two Superimposed Trapping Regions in One Analyzer", Ying Peng, Zhiping Zhang, Brett J. Hansen, MiaoWang, Milton L. Lee, Aaron R. Hawkins, Daniel E. Austin, Pittcon, Orlando, FL, February 28-March 5, (2010).
12. "High Mass Resolution and Tandem Capabilities of a Microfabricated Two-Plate Paul Trap Mass Spectrometer", Zhiping Zhang, Ying Peng, Brett J. Hansen, MiaoWang, Milton L. Lee, Aaron R. Hawkins, Daniel E. Austin, Pittcon, Orlando, FL, February 28-March 5, (2010).
13. "Custom Electric Fields in a Halo Ion Trap Mass Analyzer", Miao Wang, Daniel E. Austin, Brett J. Hansen, Hannah E. Quist, Aaron R. Hawkins, Edgar D. Lee, Milton L. Lee, Pittcon, Orlando, FL, February 28-March 5, (2010).
14. "Trapping of Biological Nanoparticles Using Planar Fluidic Devices", Jie Xuan, Mark N. Hamblin, Aaron R. Hawkins, H. Dennis Tolley, Daniel R. Maynes, Adam T. Woolley, David M. Belnap, Milton L. Lee, Pittcon, Orlando, FL, February 28-March 5, (2010).
15. "Planar FRET detection from biomolecules on an optofluidic chip", Aiqing Chen, Philip Measor, Evan J. Lunt, Brian S. Phillips, Aaron R. Hawkins, and Holger Schmidt, SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, January 23-28, (2010).
16. "Hollow ARROW waveguides on self-aligned pedestals for high-sensitivity optical sensing", Evan J. Lunt, Brian S. Phillips, Jared M. Keeley, Aaron R. Hawkins, Philip Measor, Bin Wu, Holger Schmidt, SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, January 23-28, (2010).
2009 Publications
1. "Multi-mode mitigation in an optofluidic chip for particle manipulation and sensing
2. "Paul Trap Mass Analyzer Consisting of Opposing Microfabricated Electrode Plates
3. "Loss-based optical trap for on-chip particle analysis
4. "Optofluidic particle concentration by a long-range dual-beam trap
5."Ultrasensitive QBeta Phage Analysis Using Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy on an Optofluidic
6. "SiO2 Barriers for Increasing Gain Events in Solid-state Impact-ionization Multipliers
7. "Solid-state Impact-ionization Multiplier with P-M Junction Injection Node
8. "Fast Etch Channels Photo-definable Microchannels Made With Spin-on Polymers and Short Sacrificial Etch Times", Christopher J. Carron, Mallory Phillips, brian S. Phillips, Laurie-Anne Parks, Stephen M. Schultz, and Aaron R. Hawkins, Journal of Microfluidics and Nanofluidics 7, 283-289, (2009).
9. "Low-Cost RFID Shock Sensors

2009 Conferences
1. "Improvement in Resolution of a Halo Ion Trap Mass Analyzer", Miao Wang, Daniel Austin, Samuel E. Tolley, Aaron R Hawkins, Edgar D Lee, Milton L Lee, Pittcon, Chicago, IL, March 8-13, (2009).
2. "Designing Custom Electric Fields in Resistive Electrode Ion Traps", Ying Peng, Zhiping Zhang, Ivan Miller, Brett Hansen, Samuel E. Tolley, Milton L. Lee, Aaron R. Hawkins, Daniel Austin, Pittcon, Chicago, IL, March 8-13, (2009).
3. "Transient Filling of Sacrificially Etched Nanochannels by Capillarity", Mark Hamblin, Dallin Murray, Daniel Maynes, Aaron R. Hawkins, Proceedings of the 2009 ASME Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting, Vail, CO, August 2-5, (2009).
4. "Selective Deposition of Thin Films for Integrated Notch Filters in Optofluidic Sensors", Brian S. Phillips, Yue Zhao, Philip Measor, Holger Schmidt, Aaron R. Hawkins, Frontiers in Optics (FiO), San Jose, CA, October 11, (2009).
5. "Nanopore Fabrication in Hollow Integrated Waveguides", Matthew R. Holmes, Mikhail Rudenko, Philip Measor, Tao Shang, Holger Schmidt, Aaron R. Hawkins, Integrated Photonics and Nanophotonics Research and Applications (IPNRA) Conference, Honolulu, HI, July 12-17, (2009).
6. "Selectively Patterned Notch Filter Waveguides for Optofluidic Biosensors", Philip Measor, Brian S. Phillips, Yue Zhao, Aaron R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, Integrated Photonics and Nanophotonics Research and Applications (IPNRA) Conference, Honolulu, HI, July 12-17, (2009).
7. "EIT in an integrated Rb vapor cell", Bin Wu, John F. Hulbert, Aaron R. Hawkins, and Holger Schmidt, OSA Summer Topical Meeting, Nonlinear Optics, Honolulu, HI, July 12-17, (2009).
8. "Optofluidic Platform Advancements for Optical Particle Manipulation", Philip Measor, Sergei Kuhn, Evan J. Lunt, Brian S. Phillips, Aaron R. Hawkins, and Holger Schmidt, CLEO/QELS Conference, Baltimore, MD, June 1-6, (2009).
9. "Active Trapping of Individual Particles on an Optofluidic Analysis Platform", Sergei Kuhn, Phillip Measor, Evan J. Lunt, Brian S. Phillips, David W. Deamer, Aaron R. Hawkins, and Holger Schmidt, CLEO/QELS Conference, Baltimore, MD, June 1-6, (2009).
10. "Detecting single nanomagnet dynamics in varying magnetostatic environments", Z. Liu, R. Brandt, B. Hansen, B. Harteneck, S. Cabrini, A.R. Hawkins, J. Bokor, and H. Schmidt, INTERMAG conference, Sacramento, CA, May 4-8 (2009).

2008 Publications
1."Planar hollow-core waveguide technology for atomic spectroscopy and quantum interference in alkali
2. "Improving solid to hollow core transmission for integrated ARROW waveguides
3. "Novel Ion Traps Using Planar Resistive Electrodes: Implications for Miniaturized Mass Analyzers
4. "Hollow-core waveguide characterization by optically induced particle transport
5. "Optofluidic waveguides: I. Concepts and implementations (Invited Review)
6. "Optofluidic waveguides: II. Fabrication and structures (Invited Review)
7. "Fast Nonlinear Image Reconstruction for Scanning Impedance Imaging
8. "Hollow waveguide optimization for fluorescence based detection
9. "Fabrication methods for compact atomic spectroscopy (Invited)
10. "Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy of single molecules on an optofluidic chip (Invited)
11. "Quantum interference effects in rubidium vapor on a chip (Invited)
12. "Sealing techniques for on-chip atomic vapor cells

2008 Conferences
1. "Silicon-based Planar Optofluidics for Single Particle Analysis", H. Schmidt, S. Kuhn, P. Measor, M.I. Rudenko, E.J. Lunt, B.S. Philips, and A.R. Hawkins, Invited Talk, MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, Dec 1-5, (2008).
2. "Detecting dynamic magnetic information beyond the optical spatial resolution in a Ni nanomagnet array", Z. Liu, R. Brandt, B. Harteneck, B. Hansen, S. Cabrini, J. Bokor, A.R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, 53rd Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Austin, TX, Nov 10-14, (2008).
3. "Low Cost RFID Shock Sensors," Benjamin Todd, Mallory Phillips, Stephen M. Schultz, Aaron R. Hawkins, and Brian D. Jensen, IEEE Autotestcon, Salt Lake City, UT, September 8-11, (2008).
4. "Single Virus Detection Using Integrated Optofluidics," Mikhail I. Rudenko, Sergei Kuehn, Evan J. Lunt, David W. Deamer, Aaron R. Hawkins, and Holger Schmidt, IEEE/LEOS Summer Topical Meeting on Optofluidics, Acapulco, Mexico, July 21-22, (2008).
5. "Manipulation with Integrated Optofluidic Traps (Invited), " Sergei Kuehn, Philip Measor, Evan J. Lunt, Aaron R. Hawkins, and Holger Schmidt, IEEE/LEOS Summer Topical Meeting on Optofluidics, Acapulco, Mexico, July 21-22, (2008).
6. "Characterization of Optofluidic ARROW Rejection Filter Devices," Philip Measor, Evan J. Lunt, Cory C. Jones, Aaron R. Hawkins, and H. Schmidt, IEEE/LEOS Summer Topical Meeting on Optofluidics, Acapulco, Mexico, July 21-22, (2008).
7. "Design and Performance of a Halo Ion Trap Mass Analyzer," MiaoWang, Daniel E. Austin, Samuel E. Tolley, Brett J. Hansen, Aaron R. Hawkins, and Milton Lee, Joint Northwest & Rocky Mountain Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Park City, UT, June 15-18, (2008).
8. "Novel Planar Ion Traps with Resistive Electrodes," Ying Peng, Ivan W. Miller, Zhiping Zhang, Brett J. Hansen, Samuel E. Tolley, Milton L. Lee, Aaron R. Hawkins, and Daniel E. Austin, Joint Northwest & Rocky Mountain Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Park City, UT, June 15-18, (2008).
9. "Planar Electrode Array Ion Traps including a unique Coaxial Geometry," Edgar D. Lee, Samuel E. Tolley, Aaron R. Hawkins, Daniel E. Austin, Brett J. Hansen, Milton L. Lee, and Doug L. Later, 56th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry & Allied Topics, Denver, CO, June 1 - 5, (2008).
10. "Planar Resistive Electrode Ion Traps," Ying Peng, Ivan W. Miller, Zhiping Zhang, Brett J. Hansen, Miao Wang, Samuel Tolley, Milton L. Lee, Aaron R. Hawkins, Daniel E Austin, 56th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry & Allied Topics, Denver, CO, June 1 - 5, (2008).
11. "Design and Performance of a Halo Ion Trap Mass Analyzer,," Miao Wang, Daniel E Austin, Samuel Tolley, Aaron Hawkins, Edgar Lee, Milton Lee, 56th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry & Allied Topics, Denver, CO, June 1 - 5, (2008).
12. "Design and Performance of a Halo Ion Trap Mass Analyzer," Miao Wang, Daniel E. Austin, Samuel E. Tolley, Aaron R. Hawkins, Edgar D. Lee, Milton L. Lee, Pittcon, March 2-6, New Orleans, LA, (2008).
13. "New Types of Ion Traps Using Planar Non-Equipotential Electrodes," Daniel E. Austin, Samuel Tolley, Miao Wang, Ying Peng, Brett Hansen, Aaron Hawkins, Milton Lee, Edward Lee, Pittcon, March 2-6, New Orleans, LA, (2008).
14. "Coaxial Ion Trap Using Concentric Planar Electrode Arrays," Samuel E. Tolley, Aaron R. Hawkins, Daniel E. Austin, Brett J. Hansen, Edgar D. Lee, Milton L. Lee, Pittcon, March 2-6, New Orleans, LA, (2008).
15. "Miniature Ion Trap Mass Spectrometers with Circular Trapping Geometry," Edgar D. Lee, Samuel E Tolley, Stephen A Lammert, Daniel E Austin, Aaron R Hawkins, Douglas W Later, Milton L Lee, Pittcon, March 2-6, New Orleans, LA, (2008).
16. "Method for Quickly Fabricating Micro-channels from Photosensitive Polymers," Christopher Carron and Aaron Hawkins, Utah Conference on Undergraduate Research, February 29, Orem, UT, (2008).
17. "Hollow waveguide optimization for fluorescence based detection, " Evan J. Lunt, Brian S. Phillips, Cory J. Jones, Aaron R. Hawkins, Philip Measor, Sergei Kuehn, and Holger Schmidt, Photonics West, San Jose, CA, January 19-24, (2008).
18. "Fabrication methods for compact atomic spectroscopy (Invited)," Aaron R. Hawkins, John F. Hulbert, Brandon T. Carroll, Bin Wu, and Holger Schmidt, Photonics West, San Jose, CA, January 19-24, (2008).
19. "Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy of single molecules on an optofluidic chip (Invited)," Mikhail I. Rudenko, Sergei Keuhn, Evan J. Lunt, Brian S. Phillips, David W. Deamer, Aaron R. Hawkins, and Holger Schmidt, Photonics West, San Jose, CA, January 19-24, (2008).
20. "Quantum interference effects in rubidium vapor on a chip (Invited)," Bin Wu, John Hulbert, Aaron R. Hawkins, and Holger Schmidt, Photonics West, San Jose, CA, January 19-24, (2008).
21. "Sealing techniques for on-chip atomic vapor cells," John F. Hulbert, Brandon T. Carroll, Aaron R. Hawkins, Bin Wu, and Holger Schmidt, Photonics West, San Jose, CA, January 19-24, (2008).

2007 Publications
1. "Nanopore Biosensors and the Search for Biosignatures
2. "The Effect of Contact Length on Adhesion between Carbon Nanotubes on Silicon Dioxide
3. "Plastic latching accelerometer based on bistable compliant mechanisms
4. "Planar optofluidic chip for single particle detection, manipulation, and analysis
5. "Quantifying Resistivity Using Scanning Impedance Imaging
6. "Free-space Optical Link as a Model Undergraduate Design Project
7. "Electroosmotic flow in vapor deposited silicon dioxide and nitride microchannels
8. "Optimization of nano-magneto-optic sensitivity using dual layer enhancement
9. "Atomic Spectroscopy on a Chip
10. "Microphotonic control of single molecule fluorescence correlation spectroscopy using planar
11. "On-chip surface-enhanced Raman scattering detection using integrated liquid-core waveguides
12. "Band discontinuity measurements of the wafer bonded InGaAs/Si heterojunction
13. "Size dependent damping in picosecond dynamics of single nanomagnets
14. "Halo Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer
15. "Zero-power shock sensors using bistable compliant mechanisms
16. "Frequency Response of Solid-State Impact-Ionization Multipliers
17. "Micro-channels with different core shapes fabricated using sacrificial etching
18. " Verification and Application of a Finite-difference Model for Quasi-electrostatic Scanning Impedance
19. "Thin Film Electro-osmotic Pumps for Biomicrofludic Applications
20. "Integration and characterization of SiN nanopores for single-molecule detection in liquid-core ARROW
21. "Microfabrication of integrated atomic vapor cells
22. "Advances in integrated hollow waveguides for on-chip sensors
23. "Tailoring the transmission of liquid-core waveguides for wavelength filtering on a chip
24. "Rubidium spectroscopy on a chip

2007 Conferences
1. "Magneto-optical observation of picosecond dynamics in single nanomagnets (Invited)," H. Schmidt, A. Barman, S. Wang, J. Maas, A.R. Hawkins, S. Kwon and J. Bokor, Symposium on "Magnetization dynamics in nanomagnets", 52nd MMM Conference, Tampa, FL, November 5-9, (2007).
2. "Planar Optofluidics for Single Molecule Analysis (Invited)," Holger Schmidt, Sergei Kuehn, Evan Lunt, Mikhail I. Rudenko, Philip Measor, Brian S. Philips, David W. Deamer, and Aaron Hawkins, LEOS Annual Meeting, Lake Buena Vista, FL, October 21-25, (2007).
3. "Two-beam optical trap in a waveguide," Sergei Kuhn, Philip Measor, Holger Schmidt, Evan J. Lunt, and Aaron R. Hawkins, (Postdeadline Paper) OSA Annual Meeting, San Jose, CA, September 16-20, (2007).
4. "Determination of Hollow-core Waveguides by Optically-induced Particle Transport," Philip Measor, Sergei Kuhn, Holger Schmidt, Evan J. Lunt, and Aaron R. Hawkins, (Postdeadline Paper) OSA Annual Meeting, San Jose, CA, September 16-20, (2007).
5. "Nanopore biosensors and the search for biosignatures," David W. Deamer, Holger Schmidt, and Aaron R. Hawkins, Annual Meeting of the SPIE, San Diego, CA, August 16-18, (2007).
6. "Saturation Absorption Spectroscopy in an Integrated Rubidium Vapor Cell," Holger Schmidt, Wenge Yang, Bin Wu, Don B. Conkey, John Hulbert, and Aaron R. Hawkins, Nonlinear Optics: Materials, Fundamentals and Applications, Kona, HI, July 30 - August 3, (2007).
7. "Micropore and Nanopore Features on Integrated Hollow Waveguides," Matthew R. Holmes, Mikhail Rudenko, Tao Shang, Holger Schmidt, and Aaron R. Hawkins, Integrated Photonics and Nanophotonics Research and Applications, July 8-11, Salt Lake City, UT, (2007).
8. "Integrated Hollow-Core Waveguides Made by Sputter Deposition," Yue Zhao, Evan J. Lunt, Dongliang Yin, Holger Schmidt, and Aaron R. Hawkins, Integrated Photonics and Nanophotonics Research and Applications, July 8-11, Salt Lake City, UT, (2007).
9. "The Halo Ion Trap Mass Analyzer," Daniel E. Austin, Miao Wang, Samuel E. Tolley, Aaron R. Hawkins, Alan L. Rockwood, Edgar D. Lee, H. Dennis Tolley, and Milton L. Lee, 55th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry, June 3-7, Indianapolis, IN, (2007).
10. "Virus Detection on a Planar Optofluidic Chip," Mikhail I. Rudenko, Dongliang Yin, David W. Deamer, Holger Schmidt, Evan J. Lunt, Brian Phillips, and Aaron R. Hawkins, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/International Quantum Electronics Conference, May 6-11, Baltimore, MD, (2007).
11. "Integrated Semiconductor Chips for EIT (Invited)," Holger Schmidt, Wenge Yang, Bin Wu, Donald B. Conkey, Rebecca Brenning, and Aaron R. Hawkins, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/International Quantum Electronics Conference, May 6-11, Baltimore, MD, (2007).
12. "Zero-power shock sensors using bistable compliant mechanisms," Brett J. Hansen, Christopher J. Carron, Aaron R. Hawkins, and Stephen M. Schultz, Smart Structures/Nondestructive Evaluation for Health Monitoring + Diagnostics, March 29 - April 5, San Diego, CA, (2007).
13. "Liquid Filled Optical Waveguides for On-chip Chemical Analysis," Brian S. Phillips, Evan J. Lunt, and Aaron R. Hawkins, Utah Conference on Undergraduate Research, February 2, Salt Lake City, UT, (2007).
14. "Zero Power Shock Sensors," Brett J. Hansen, Christopher J. Carron, Aaron R. Hawkins, and Stephen M. Schultz, Utah Conference on Undergraduate Research, February 2, Salt Lake City, UT, (2007).
15. " Rubidium spectroscopy on a chip (Invited)," Holger Schmidt, Wenge Yang, Bin Wu, Dongliang Yin, Donald B. Conkey, John Hulbert, Aaron R. Hawkins, Photonics West, January 20-25, San Jose, CA, (2007).
16. "Tailoring the transmission of liquid-core waveguides for wavelength filtering on a chip," U. Hakanson, D. Yin, P. Measor, E.J. Lunt, V. Sandoghdar, A.R. Hawkins, H. Schmidt, Photonics West, January 20-25, San Jose, CA, (2007).
17. "Microfabrication of integrated atomic vapor cells," D.B. Conkey, R.L. Brenning, A.R. Hawkins, W. Yang, B. Wu, H. Schmidt, Photonics West, January 20-25, San Jose, CA, (2007).
18. "Advances in integrated hollow waveguides for on-chip sensors (Invited Paper)," A.R. Hawkins, E.J. Lunt, M. Holmes, B. Phillips, D. Yin, M.I. Rudenko, H. Schmidt, Photonics West, January 20-25, San Jose, CA, (2007).
19. "Integration and characterization of SiN nanopores for single-molecule detection in liquid-core ARROW waveguides," M.I. Rudenko, D. Yin, M. Holmes, A.R. Hawkins, H. Schmidt, Photonics West, January 20-25, San Jose, CA, (2007).
20. "Size (aspect ratio) dependent damping of precessional dynamics in individual single domain nanomagnets," Anjan Barman, Suqin Wang, Jeff Maas, Aaron R. Hawkins, Songhoon Kwon, and Holger Schmidt, 10th Joint Intermag/MMM Conference, January 7-11, Baltimore, MD, (2007).
21. "Demonstration of ultra-high MOKE sensitivity for nanomagneto-optics using dual layer nanofabrication process," Suqin Wang, Anjan Barman, Jeff Maas, Aaron R. Hawkins, Sunghoon Kwon, and Holger Schmidt, 10th Joint Intermag/MMM Conference, January 7-11, Baltimore, MD, (2007).
22. "Thickness dependence of ultrafast magnetization dynamics in Nickel films," Suqin Wang, Anjan Barman, Jeff Maas, Aaron R. Hawkins, and Holger Schmidt, 10th Joint Intermag/MMM Conference, January 7-11, Baltimore, MD, (2007).

2006 Publications
1. "Sacrificial Layer Microfluidic Device Fabrication Methods
2. "Magneto-optical observation of picosecond dynamics of single nanomagnets
3. "Single-molecule detection using planar integrated optics on a chip
4. "High Gain Effects for Solid-State Impact-Ionization Multipliers
5. "A Surface Relief in Fiber-Bragg Grating for Temperature Sensing
6. "Simple Linear Models of Scanning Impedance Imaging for Fast Reconstruction of Relative Conductivity
7. "Integrated Hollow Waveguides with Arch-shaped Cores
8. "Monolithic fabrication of hollow ARROW based sensors
9. "Planar single molecule sensors based on hollow-core ARROW waveguides
10. "Towards Integration of quantum interference in alkali atoms on a chip

2006 Conferences
1. "Integrated Optical and Electrical Single Molecule Sensors (Invited)," Aaron R. Hawkins and Holger Schmidt, OIDA Annual Forum, December 6-7, Washington, DC, (2006).
2. "Integrated Optics Using Quantum State Control in Alkali Atoms (Invited)," Holger Schmidt and Aaron R. Hawkins, OIDA Annual Forum, December 6-7, Washington, DC, (2006).
3. "Monolithically Integrated Atomic Vapor Cell for Quantum Optics on a Chip," Wenge Yang, Dongliang Yin, Bin Wu, Holger Schmidt, Donald B. Conkey, Evan J. Lunt, Aaron R. Hawkins, 90th OSA Annual Meeting, October 8-12, Rochester, NY, (2006).
4. "Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy of Single Molecules on a Chip," Dongliang Yin, John P. Barber, Aaron R. Hawkins, Holger Schmidt, 90th OSA Annual Meeting, October 8-12, Rochester, NY, (2006).
5. "Single-molecule optofluidics using liquid-core ARROW waveguides (Invited Talk)," Holger Schmidt, Dongliang Yin, Phillip Measor, John Barber, Evan Lunt, Aaron Hawkins, IEEE LEOS Summer Topical Meeting on Optofluidics: Emerging technologies and applications, July 17-19, Quebec City, Canada, (2006).
6. "Femtosecond laser induced magnetization dynamics in single Ni nanomagnets," Anjan Barman, Suqin Wang, Naser Qureshi, Mark Lowther, Aaron R. Hawkins, Sunghoon Kwon, Alexander Liddle, Jeffrey Bokor, and Holger Schmidt, INTERMAG Conference, May 8-12, San Diego, CA, (2006).
7. "Integrated liquid-core ARROW Waveguides for Surface-enhanced Raman Scattering," Phillip Measor, Dongliang Yin, John P. Barber, L. Seballos, J. Zhang, Aaron R. Hawkins, and Holger Schmidt, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/International Quantum Electronics Conference, May 21-26, Long Beach, CA, (2006).
8. "Single molecule senstivity and electrically-controlled fluorescencse detection in integrated planer ARROW waveguides," Dongliang Yin, Holger Schmidt, John P. Barber, and Aaron R. Hawkins, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/International Quantum Electronics Conference, May 21-26, Long Beach, CA, (2006).
9. "Microscopic Impedace Imaging of Small Tissues," Hongze Liu, Aaron R. Hawkins, Stephen P. Schultz, and Travis Oliphant, IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging:From Nano to Micro, April 6-9, Arlington, VA, (2006).
10. "Silicon impact-ionization multiplier for optical detection," Hong-Wei Lee, Joshua L. Beutler, and Aaron R. Hawkins, Optical Fiber Communcation Conference & the National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference, March 7-9, Anaheim, CA, (2006).
11. "Integration of Functional Components in Microfluidic Separation Devices," M.L. Lee, J. Liu, X. Sun, B. Gu, Y. Li, B.A. Peeni, A.T. Woolley, C.L. Christianson, A.R. Hawkins, Lab Automation 2006, January 21-25, Palm Springs, CA, (2006).
12. "Monolithic fabrication of hollow ARROW based sensors," John P. Barber, Evan J. Lunt, Dongliang Yin, and Holger Schmidt, and Aaron R. Hawkins, SPIE Photonics West, January 23-25, San Jose, CA, (2006).
13. "Towards integration of quantum interference in alkali atoms on a chip," Holger Schmidt, Dongliang Yin, Wenge Yang, Donald B. Conkey, John P. Barber, Aaron R. Hawkins, SPIE Photonics West, January 23-25, San Jose, CA, (2006).
14. "Planar single-molecule sensors based on hollow-core ARROW waveguides," Dongliang Yin, John P. Barber, Evan Lunt, Dmitri Ermolenko, Harry Noller, Aaron R. Hawkins, Holger Schmidt, SPIE Photonics West, January 23-25, San Jose, CA, (2006).

2005 Publications
1. "Waveguide loss optimization in hollow-core ARROW waveguides
2. "Optical characterization of arch-shaped ARROW waveguides with liquid cores
3. "Surface structure silicon based impact-ionization multiplier for optical detection
4. "High-efficiency fluorescence detection in picoliter volume liquid-core waveguides
5. "Polymer Stretching to Produce Flat Suspended Micrio-Membranes
6. "Solid-state current amplifier based on impact ionization
7. "Thin film thickness determination using reflected spectrum sampling
8. "Near-field Optical Magnetometry and Magnetic Imaging of Nanomagnets
9. "High-Temperature Sensing Using Surface Relief Fiber Bragg Gratings
10. "
11. "Planar Thin Film Device for Capillary Electrophoresis
12. "Spectrum Sampling Reflectometer
13. "Low-loss Integrated Optical Sensors Based on Hollow-Core ARROW Waveguides
14. "Mechanical models and design rules for on-chip micro-channels with sacrificial cores
15. "Electromagnetically induced transparency in alkali atoms integrated on a semiconductor chip
16. "Hollow-core waveguides and 2D waveguide arrays for integrated optics of gases and liquids
17. "Fabrication of Hollow Waveguides with Sacrificial Aluminum Cores,
18. "Color Pictures Using Dielectric Films,
19. "Improvements to Dielectrics Based Color Pictures,

2005 Conferences
1. "Optimization of cavity enhancement for magnetooptics studies of nanomagnets," Suquin Wang, Naser Qureshi, Mark A. Lowther, Aaron R. Hawkins, Sunghoon Kwon, Alexander Liddle, Jeffrey Bokor, Holger Schmidt, 50th Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Conference, October 30-November 3, San Jose, CA, (2005).
2. "Design of integrated hollow-core waveguides for EIT on a chip," Dongliang Yin, Aaron R. Hawkins, and Holger Schmidt, OSA Annual Meeting, October 15-20, Tucson, AZ, (2005).
3. "High-Temperature Sensing Using Surface Relief Fiber Bragg Gratings," Tyson Lowder, Kevin H. Smith, Aaron R. Hawkins, Richard Selfridge, and Stephen M. Schultz, OSA Annual Meeting, October 15-20, Tucson, AZ, (2005).
4. "Modelling for Scanning Impedance Imaging," Hongze Liu, Aaron R. Hawkins, Stephen M. Schultz, and Travis E. Oliphant, Engineering in Medicine and Biology 27th Annual Conference, September 1-4, Shanghai, China, (2005).
5. "D-fiber Bragg grating for sensores," Krystle Price, Aaron Hawkins, Stephen Schultz, Richard Selfridge, Joint Conference on Information Sciences, July 28-31, Salt Lake City, UT, (2005).
6. "Solid-state Impact-ionization Multiplier(SIM)," Hong-Wei Lee, Josua L. Beutler, and Aaron R. Hawkins, Joint Conference on Information Sciences, July 28-31, Salt Lake City, UT, (2005).
7. "Planar fabrication of liquid core optical waveguides and microfluidic devices," Matthew M. Smith, John P. Barber, Bridget A. Peeni, Dongliang Yin, Holger Schmidt, and Aaron R. Hawkins, Joint Conference on Information Sciences, July 28-31, Salt Lake City, UT, (2005).
8. "Spectrum Sampling Reflectometer," Justin Henrie, Aaron R. Hawkins, and Stephen M. Schultz, 50th SPIE Annual Meeting, July 1-5, San Diego, CA, (2005).
9. "Open Storage Ring Ion Trap Mass Analyzer," Samuel E. Tolley, Edgar D. Lee, Stephen A. Lammert, Aaron Hawkins, James R. Oliphant, H. Dennis Tolley, Alan L. Rockwood, and Milton L. Lee, 53rd ASMS COnference on Mass Spectrometry, June 5-9, San Antonio, TX, (2005).
10. "Fluorescense detection of few molecules with high collection effciency in ARROWs," Dongliang Yin, Holger Schmidt, John P. Barber, and Aaron R. Hawkins, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/International Quantum Electronics Conference, May 22-25, Baltimore, MD, (2005).
11. "Hollow waveguides on planar substrates with selectable geometry cores," John P. Barber, Donald B. Conkey, Matthew M. Smith, Jeffrey R. Lee, Bridget A. Peeni, Zackary A. George, Aaron R. Hawkins, Dongliang Yin, and Holger Schmidt, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/International QUantum Electronics Conference, May 22-25, Baltimore, MD, (2005).
12. "Plan Thin Film Device for Capillary Electrophoresis," Bridget A. Peeni, Ryan Kelly, Adam T. Woolley, Milton L. Lee, and Aaron R. Hawkins, 28th International Symposium on Capillary Chromotography and Electrophoresis, May 22-25, Las Vegas, NV, (2005).
13. "Electro-osmotic Pumps Constructed Using Sacrificial Etching," Bridget A. Peeni, Donald B. Conkey, Adam T. Woolley, Milton L. Lee, and Aaron R. Hawkins, 28th International Symposium on Capillary Chormotography and Electrophoresis, May 22-25, Las Vegas, NV, (2005).
14. "Integrated hollow and solid-core waveguides for sensor platforms," John P. Barber, Matthew M. Smith, Aaron R. Hawkins, Dongliang Yin, and Holger Schmidt, Integrated Photonics Research and Applications, April 11-14, San Diego, CA, (2005).
15. "Fluorescence detection in integrated intersecting ARROW waveguides with liquid and solid cores," Dongliang Yin, Holger Schmidt, John P. Barber, and Aaron R. Hawkins, Integrated Photonics Research and Applications, April 11-14, San Diego, CA, (2005).
16. "Near-field Optical Magnetometry and Magnetic Imaging of Nanomagnets," Naser Qureshi, Holger Schmidt, Mark Lowther, and Aaron R. Hawkins, SPIE 8th International Symposium on Laser Metrology, Febuary 14-18, Merida, Mexico, (2005).
17. "Low-loss Integrated Optical Sensors Based on Hollow-Core ARROW Waveguides," Dongliang Yin, John P. Barber, Aaron R. Hawkins, and Holger Schmidt, SPIE Photonics West, January 22-27, San Jose, CA, (2005).

2004 Publications
1. "Resolution scaling in noncontact scanning impedance imaging
2. "Integrated optical waveguides with liquid cores
3. "Noncontact scanning impedance imaging in an aqueous solution
4. "Cavity-enhanced magneto-optic imaging of nanomagnetic structures
5. "Integrated ARROW waveguides for gas/liquid sensing
6. "Cavity Enhancement of the Magneto-Optic Kerr Effect for Optical Studies of Magnetic Nanostructures
7. "Integrated ARROW waveguides with hollow cores
8. "Electronic Color Charts for Dielectric Films on Silicon

2004 Conferences
1. "Integrated Arrow waveguides for gas/liquid sensing," Holger Schmidt, Dongliang Yin, David W. Deamer, John P. Barber, and Aaron R. Hawkins, Invited Paper, SPIE's 49th Annual Meeting, August 2-6, Denver, CO, (2004).
2. "Cavity-enhanced Near-Field Optical Magnetometry," Naser Qureshi, Holger Schmidt, and Aaron R. Hawkins, SPIE's 49th Annual Meeting, August 2-6, Denver, CO, (2004).
3. "Non-contact Scanning Electrical Impedance Imaging," Hongze Liu, Travis E. Oliphant, Stephen M. Schultz, and Aaron R. Hawkins, EMBC 2004, September 1-5, San Francisco, CA, (2004).
4. "Integrated biophotonic sensor with single-molecule resolution," Dongliang Yin, David W. Deamer, Holger Schmidt, John P. Barber and Aaron R. Hawkins, CLEO/IQEC 2004, May 16-21, San Francisco, CA, (2004).
5. "Low-loss propagation in hollow ARROW waveguides for optical sensing," Holger Schmidt, Dongliang Yin, John P. Barber, and Aaron R. Hawkins, CLEO/IQEC 2004, May 16-21, San Francisco, CA (2004).
6. "Integration of Electromagnetically Induced Transparency in Alkali Atoms on a Semiconductor Chip," Holger Schmidt, Dongliang Yin, John P. Barber, Ghassan Sanber, Elizabeth Despain, and Aaron R. Hawkins, CLEO/IQEC 2004, May 16-21, San Francisco, CA (2004).

Publications Before 2003
1. "Teaching Microfabrication Based Materials Processing Using Color Pictures from Dielectric Films
2. "Fusion Bonding: Hetero-interfacial Materials Analysis and Device Application
3. "Characterization of Wafer Bonded Photodetectors Fabricated Using Various Annealing Temperatures and
4. "Design of Silicon Hetero-Interface Photodetectors
5. "Analysis of the Effect of an Electric-Field Profile on the Gain-Bandwidth Product of Avalanche
6. "Wafer Fusion: Materials Issues and Device Results
7. "20 GHz High Performance Si/InGaAs PIN Photodetector
8. "Improvement of Avalanche Photodetectors Through Integration of InGaAs and Si
9. "Design of Si/InGaAs Avalanche Photodetectors for 400 GHz Gain-Bandwidth Product
10. "High Gain-Bandwidth-Product Silicon Heterointerface Photodetector
11. "Frequency Response of Avalanche Photodetectors with Separate Absorption and Multiplication Layers
12. "Silicon Heterointerface Photodetector

Conferences Before 2003
1. "Dielectric color pictures on silicon wafers," R. Wang and A.R. Hawkins, MICRON Research Conference, Boise ID, September, (2003).
2. "Cavity-enhanced Kerr Effect for Magneto-Optic Spectroscopy of Nanostructures", N.Qureshi, H. Schmidt, and A.R. Hawkins, IEEE Nano-conference, San Francisco CA, August 12-14, (2003).
3. "Integrated optical spectroscopy of low-index gases and liquids using ARROW waveguides", H. Schmidt, D. Yin and A.R. Hawkins, Technical Digest, Integrated Photonics Research Conference, Washington DC, June 16-18, (2003).
4. "Fusion Bonding: Hetero-interfacial Materials Analysis and Device Application," K. A. Black, Aaron R. Hawkins, Near M. Margalit, Dubravko I. Babic, Archie L. Holmes Jr., Ying-Lan Chang, P. Abraham, John E. Bowers, and Evelyn L. Hu, Optoelectronics West '98,San Jose, CA, January 26-29 (1998).
5. "High-Speed Wafer-Fused Photodetectors," A. R. Hawkins and J. E. Bowers, Invited Paper, LEOS '97, San Francisco, CA, November 11-13 (1997).
6. "Novel Optoelectronic Devices Using Wafer Bonding," J. E. Bowers, A. R. Hawkins, and N. M. Margalit, Invited Paper, 1997 American Vacuum Society Annual Meeting, San Jose, October 20 (1997).
7. "Silicon Based Telecommunication Avalanche Photodetectors," W. Wu, A. R. Hawkins, and J. E. Bowers, Invited Paper, OECC '97, Seoul, Korea, July 8-11 (1997).
8. "Wafer Fusion Technology for Optoelectronic Devices," J. E. Bowers, A. Hawkins, N. Margalit, P. Abraham, A. Black, A. Holmes, and E. Hu, Invited Paper, CLEO '97, Baltimore, MD, May 18-23 (1997).
9. "Effect of Electric Field Profile on Gain-Bandwidth Product of InGaAs/Si Avalanche Photodetectors," W. Wu, A. R. Hawkins, and J. E. Bowers, CLEO '97, Baltimore, MD, May 18-23 (1997).
10. "Substrate Engineering of 1.55 um Lasers," P. Abraham, A. K. Black, N. M. Margalit, A. R. Hawkins, S. P. DenBaars, and J. E. Bowers, IPRM '97, Hyannis, MA, May 11-15 (1997).
11. "20 GHz high performance planar Si/InGaAs P-I-N photodetector," Barry F. Levine, Aaron R. Hawkins, Sangee Hiu, B.J. Tseng. Cliff A. King, L.A. Gruezke, R.W. Johnson, D.R. Zolnowski, and John E. Bowers, IPRM '97, Hyannis, MA, May 11-15 (1997).
12. "High Gain-Bandwidth Product Si/InGaAs Avalanche Photodetectors," W. Wu, A. R. Hawkins, and J. E. Bowers, OFC '97, Dallas, TX, February 16-21 (1997).
13. "High Gain-Bandwidth Product Silicon Hetero-Interface Photodetector," Postdeadline Paper, A. R. Hawkins, W. Wu, P. Abraham, K. Streubel, and J. E. Bowers, LEOS '96, Boston, MA, Nov. 18-21 (1996).
14. "81 GHz Gain-Bandwidth Product Silicon Hetero-Interface Photodetector," A. R. Hawkins, T. E. Reynolds, D. England, D. I. Babic, K. Streubel, and J. E. Bowers, Device Research Conference, Santa Barbara, CA June 24-26 (1996).
15. "Silicon-InGaAs APDs - the best of both worlds," A. R. Hawkins and J. E. Bowers, WOSCEMMAD '96, Santa Fe, New Mexico, February 19-21 (1996).
16. "Silicon Hetero-Interface Photodetector," A. R. Hawkins, T. Reynolds, D. R. England, D. I. Babic, M. Mondry, and J. E. Bowers, LEOS '95 Annual Meeting, San Francisco, Oct. 30-Nov. 2 (1995).
17. "Absolute Bremsstrahlung Energy Spectral and Dose Distributions - Theory and Experiment," Aaron R. Hawkins, Scott A. Watson, and Todd J. Kauppila, Los Alamos national Laboratory Report M-F:GR-93-09, September 1, (1993).